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Product name : Amoxycilin 20%   Chemical composition : Each 100 g contains : Amoxycillin trihydrate        20 g Excipient S.Q.                    100 g   Indications : Use to prevent and treat gastrointestinal ,respiratory urinary gental infections in calves and poultry which caused by bacteria sensitive to amoxycycline ( E-coli , samonella ).   Doses: 100 g – 200 g / 200 liter of drinking water for 5-7 days .   Packing :500 g – 1000g .


Product name : AMOXYCILLIN 50% Chemical composition : Each 100 g contains : Amoxycillin trihydrate        50 g Excipient S.Q.                    100 g Indications : Use to prevent and treat gastrointestinal ,respiratory urinary gental infections in calves and poultry which caused by bacteria sensitive to amoxycycline ( E-coli , samonella ). Doses: 50 g – 100g / 200 liter of drinking water for 5-7 days .   Packing :500 g – 1000 g .

Amoxycol- M

Product name : Amoxycol - M Chemical composition : Each 100 g contains : Amoxycillin trihydrate      20 g Colistin sulfate         120 M.I.U Excipient S.Q                 100 g   Indications : Use to prevent and treat respiratory ,gastrointestinal , gental and urinary tract infections in calves and poultry which caused by bacteria sensitive to Amoxycillin and Colistin ( salmonella ,E-coli ,streptococcus ,staphylocuccs ,klabesiella ,pasturella and   mycoplasma ) in addition to treat secondary bacterial infections which paired with viral infections .   Doses: Poultry : 100 g \ 150 litter drinking water twice daily 3-5 days . Calves  : 5-7 g \ 50 kg body weight  for 3-5 days .   Packing :500 g – 1000 g .


Product name : Ampiclline 20% Chemical composition : Each 100 g contains : Ampicilline trihydrate         20 g Excipient S.Q.                     100 g Indications : It is considered as one of the most effective compounds in penicillin group .it is effective against positive and negative gram bacteria such as : Staphylococcus , Streptococcus , E-coli , Mycoplasma , Chlamydia and other in poultry . It can be used against respiratory , digestive and urine infections caused by positive and negative gram bacteria like CRD in poultry . Doses: Poultry : 150 - 200 g / 200 liter of water for 3-5 days .   Packing :500 g – 1000 g .


Product name : Ampiclline 50% Chemical composition : Each 100 g contains : Ampicilline trihydrate          50 g Excipient S.Q.                     100 g Indications : It is considered as one of the most effective compounds in penicillin group .it is effective against positive and negative gram bacteria such as : Staphylococcus , Streptococcus , E-coli , Mycoplasma , Chlamydia and other in poultry . It can be used against respiratory , digestive and urine infections caused by positive and negative gram bacteria like CRD in poultry . Doses: Poultry : 50 - 100 g / 200 liter of water for 3-5 days .   Packing :500 g – 1000 g .


Product name : Metromoxin   Chemical composition : Each 100g contains : Metronidazole                          20 g Amoxicillin Trihydrate          11.5 g   Indication : Treatment of gastrointestinal tract infection: periodonitis,gingivitis and ulcerative gingivostotitis caused by anaerobic bacteria. (i.e.C.perfringens or C.difficile) Giardiasis caused by Giardia spp. Treatment of infections of the urogenital tract: Lower urinary tract infections,cystitis caused by (Escherichia spp,Proteus spp,Staphylococcus spp ) Pyelonephritis caused by Escherichia spp, Staphylococcus spp.   Dose: For whole product: 1 gm product/1 liter drinking  water for 5-7 day.   Packing :  500 g


Product name : Mimamoxal   Chemical composition : Each 100g contains : Amoxicillin  trihydrate       40g Indication : It is used for treatmewnt of : Respiratory tract infaections and gastro-intestinal tract infection (other than salmonella infections) caused by micro-organisms suseeptible to amoxicillin. - Colibacillosis caused by E.coli . - Chronic respiratory disease caused by M.gallisepticum.   Dose: Route: orally via drinking water. For whole product: 0.5 gm product/1 liter drinking water in drinking water for 3-5 consecutive days (0.5g/l) drinking water .   Packing : 500 g.  

RAM 30

Product name : RAM 30   Chemical composition : Each 1000g contains : Vitamin E                             100 g Vitamin K3                          100 g Vitamin C                            100 g Rifamycin                              10 g Amoxicillin trihydrate          10g some components that help in clostridium infections. Dextrose to              1000g   Indication : Chemical compounds that help in clostridium infections.   Dose: 1 g  / 1 liter  drinking water   Packing :  500 g


Product name : Total 10   Chemical composition : Each 1000g contains : Bacillus Subtilis                  2.5x10 Bacillus licheniformis        2.5*10
  1. lysin 20g
  2. threonin 10g
D.L Methionin                          20g
  1. Tryptophan 10g
selenium                            100 mg Clindamycin HCL                    20 g Streptomycin Sulfate            20 g   Indication : Anti-Clostridium   Dose: 1g\ 1liter drinking water   Packing 250 g.